• Make Your Mental Health a Priority
  • Take Responsibility of Yourself
  • Love Yourself and Achieve your Dreams
  • Discover your Smile and Feel your strength
  • Get Therapy at Your Own Place

Invest In Your Own Personal Growth

Advance payment

Please note that fees for online Coaching or Psychotherapy must be paid in advance of the session. 


Advise Consultation: €35 / £30 / $39  a meeting of 20-30 minutes

Coaching /Counseling:  €85 / £71 / $96  per session of 45-60 minutes

Psychotherapy: € 105 / £90  / $119  per session of 45-60 minutes

Why there is differences in payment?

The focus in psychotherapy is more on healing from a psychological disorder, mental illness or mental health issue, while the focus in life coaching is more on getting you to where you wish to be next.

Because psychotherapy is about treating a mental health issue/problem, it may be covered by your insurance company if you meet the criteria for a mental health disorder and the insurance company deems psychotherapy medically necessary to help you get better.

Coaching is typically not covered by health insurance because the focus of coaching is not on treating an illness.

Generally speaking, Coaching is more focused on helping you achieve your future goals, while Psychotherapy tends to have more of a past and present focus.

Payment Methods